Save Erce

Reach Up For The Sunrise - Episode 6

Brio Integrated Theatre Productions Season 1 Episode 6

Note: To get the whole story, make sure to check out the previous episodes starting with the prologue!

Episode 6 -  Early  Morning, Oct 31st, Halloween Day. 

The town of Wincharm wakes up to Halloween morning.

This special day begins with hearty platefuls of breakfast (yum!), a shocking revelation, and new friends with new challenges exploring the unknown.

Anyway, it's time to get up-and get ready-for this action packed episode!

In order of appearance, this episode stars:

Scene 1
Timothy Leahy as Hank Waters from the Titan Car Dealership
Nicolas Stavre as Jeremy Hamilton
Alexandra Sturm as Gabriel Hart

Scene 2
Erin Boyle as Storm
Erin MacArthur as Electra

Scene 3
Hannah Dardashti as Jenny 
Maya Feldman as Layla 
Yuma Feldman as Noah
Daniel Larson as Brad

Scene 4
Erin Boyle as Storm
Erin MacArthur as Electra
Brian Hunt as Duncan 

Sound design by Margo Attaya and Alexandra Sturm
Music: Theme is True Strength by Caleb Etheridge
other music from and

Special shout out to NuPath and Wincam
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Winchester Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

Save Erce is produced by Brio Integrated Theatre, it is an all abilities production 

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We’ll be back next week to continue the adventure. Tune in to find your magic!

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Scene 1
Radio Station: Creepathon
Commercial break
Hank Waters commercial

Hello, friends. Hank Waters here, manager of WinCharm’s local Titan car dealership. And today, the NEW 1983 Titan Thumper is now available for purchase at our dealership. The Thumper is a gargantuan 4-row SUV capable of delivering a whopping 1 mile per gallon and totally does not explode into a firey inferno when the engine overheats. I’d say get a load of all that thick black smoke coming from the exhaust, but you can’t see it because this is only a radio commercial.

Anyways, the Thumper SUV comes equipped with 30 inch wheels and a bumper full of super-sharp spikes, perfect for clearing the road of those pesky wildlife, like deer, bears, moose and rabbits, as well as powerful windshield wipers to help get the mess off. Because, since when have a bunch of dumb animals mattered, am I right?

The Thumper comes with premium GroundShaker stereo for the radio, loud enough to annoy your neighbors and nearby traffic, as well as front and rear row seats with both heating and cooling capabilities. Your butt will never be too hot or too cold ever again. And all that’s just the base model. Upgrade to the XLE model, and you get 5 rows of seats and an upgraded engine that delivers 2 miles per gallon. WOW!!! And upgrade to the limited model, and you get 6 rows of seats, an engine that delivers 3 miles per gallon and rear seat TVs that let you insert video cassettes, so you can take that never-gonna-last fad called home video on the go.

So, buy a Titan Thumper today. It’s the perfect vehicle to get you where you need to go as well as ruining a tree-hugger’s day. I mean, who cares what Mother Nature thinks, anyway? She’s not going to do anything about it. It’s not like our actions are going to cause catastrophic changes to the planet and destroy our civilization or anything.

The Titan Thumper. Buy it today!

In the office Jeremy and Gabriel are taking a break.

Is that group… the Witches of the Unknown all set up in the studio, Gab?

Yup…I’ve never seen an all goth acapella group before… uhhh but they sure look the part! Their wild get-ups might even give Siouxsie and the Banshees a run for their money.

Well, their 20 minute set will finally give us both a much deserved break. In the meantime, I have to talk to you about something.

What is it, Jeremy? Does this have anything to do with all the new portable recording equipment your Aunt sent over?

Yes, Gabaroni. During your segment last night, she came into my office to pitch a new idea for a special. Which means…leaving the studio and confronting the supernatural head on. In theory, it's a fantastic idea. It could really boost our audience.

It would be nice to have new listeners…maybe

But, it also could be very dangerous. What if I get killed by one of the very creatures I dedicate my life to?

I don’t think it will be that bad. Maybe it's time to try something new. Besides, your aunt seems to have her heart set on you going, so you can’t really back out now.

That’s true. I don’t want to let her down.

Also, think of the benefits. The fame, the fortune!

Yeah. I can see it now…I’d like to get a billboard in Times Square, but I’d settle for one on Route 55.
But, even if I agree to do this, where would we even find a supernatural creature? They’re not going to just walk up to me and ask me to take a picture of them.

Well, according to the “super reliable” local crazy’s, I’ve heard murmurings that there have been a lot of strange goings-on at that weird mansion in the town’s outskirts. There have been reports of a lot of activity in that house, even though the owner is hardly ever there.

Maybe the owner’s a traveling CEO or something?

Well whatever the owner has going on, that mansion is hiding something strange – maybe even supernatural. You could be the one to discover the truth! Remember our interview with that movie reviewer, Leopold Ramsey? What he said about confronting our fears? That we can overcome them?

That is a good point.

And….. I want to be a part of it.

Huh? I thought you weren’t into this stuff.

It’s true, I am a skeptic….. to a fault . But that’s just how I was raised. I was never really encouraged to believe in “the unbelievable.” My parents are both scientists. They think anything that hasn’t been proven by calculations and data is just a waste of time.

Gab, I had no idea.
I don’t talk about it…well, ever…, but the story you shared on air the other day made me think about my own experience.

You had an experience? With the paranormal?

Well, it pains me to say it, but I’m finally ready to reconsider it. I’m still coming to terms with what happened.

My parents were always pretty busy with their work, so sending me up to my grandma’s house in Maine for the summer every year was an easy solution. And luckily for me, she was happy to have me.

I loved my time there. She lived on acres and acres of land – the house sat on top of a hill, overlooking a big blueberry field. As a kid, I was pretty withdrawn sometimes. My parents said I was always in my own “little world.”  But my Grandma knew how to get me out of my little world and excited about this one. She would take me hiking at the state park, swimming in the nearby lake, birdwatching – too many activities to even count.

My favorite was star gazing. Now, my parents had me memorize all sorts of facts about space before I was even out of first grade. I could tell you all about the big bang, how galaxies were created, the different units used to measure cosmic distances. But all of these facts and figures were things I had memorized from the big heavy books in my parent’s home office. Nobody had ever taken me to just look at the night sky before, and with all of the staying inside that I usually did, I guess it had never really occurred to me. When my Grandma found out, she told me we were going on a walk after dinner. She took the time to point out all the constellations, explaining the mythic associations of their names and how humans have been inspired by the sky for centuries. Looking out into the sky, she showed the gods and monsters and heroes and kings and queens. You could say my mind was blown. 

One night in late August, we were sitting in the front yard in our pajamas, waiting to catch sight of The Perseids meteor shower. My Grandma had even made us some popcorn. She had told me that I should keep my eyes on the Perseus constellation, for the start of the meteor hail. I remember that I was so focused on spying any sort of glimmer in that direction that my eyes were strained and my neck was so stiff holding my head in that upturned position. I wasn’t paying attention to our surroundings. And that’s when it happened. A large, hairy creature came striding out of the trees nearby.

Wait, What?

At first, I thought it was a black bear, but it was walking on two legs and looked like it was coming straight for us! It was so dark outside, but I think it looked to be about 8 feet tall! My grandma grabbed me and held me tight. By some miracle, a dog started barking and that thing got spooked and ran back for the trees.

My, that must’ve been one terrifying encounter.

I think my Grandma didn’t want to scare me, so she didn’t react. All I could hear was her controlled breathing – and her ultra fast heartbeat. I knew we were both scared out of our minds. We waited a couple minutes to make sure we were safe and then she practically scooped me up and we sprinted back to the safety of the house. She tried to talk to me about it that night while tucking me into bed but I couldn’t utter a word. All I could remember was that big hulking thing in the darkness and how powerless I felt.

Of course, what made it worse was telling my parents about it when they came to pick me up. After they heard my story, every vivid detail, oh they were so mad – I remember hearing them yell at my grandma, saying that she was the one to blame - for filling my head with dangerous nonsense.

That’s horrible

All they did on the ride back home was damage control. They did an excellent job of explaining it all away - and making me feel completely idiotic in the process. “It was a trick of the light”, they said “you were tired and it was late” they said, “your grandma shouldn’t have made you think anything like that happened.”

Safe to say I was never allowed to go back to my grandma’s. I was taken straight to a math and science camp every summer afterward. I had no choice but to try to forget my experience – and when that didn’t work-to deny myself the truth that it ever happened at all.

So skepticism is your way of coping with it?

More or less. But I think it’s time for me to start believing in something.

I always wondered what brought you here. But I’m glad you’re opening up about it.
I’d be happy to have you on the special.

It would be my pleasure!

Scene 2
Electra gets Storm, They are walking in a field.

“Now why did you wake me up this early? (she yawns)

“I want you to meet someone I met last night. ….He is very interesting.
 He needs our help this morning.

“Interesting - what does that mean? 

Well, uhh… like I said he’s different, not like anyone I’ve ever met. 

Wow that’s saying a lot ..for you.

He is an artist - a graffiti artist. 

So let’s see, I’m dating the musician and now you - ‘the artiste’.

Storm, I just met him. He needs … you know ‘our special talents’.

And where are we going?

Our Sacred Place - the Grove.

Oh. So he’s a Magical?

Well, not exactly.

Who is this Mystery Man?

(laughs) Listen, You’ll meet him soon. And his name is Duncan.


Scene 3

October 31st Morning

(sounds of cereal being poured) coffee brewing.
“Layla, sit down and eat your breakfast, your brother is way ahead of you”

“Pass the Boo Berries!

(Eating his cereal)
Mom, know what I love about Halloween?”

“What Noah?”

“Franken Berry cereal and having our Halloween parade at school!
And candy candy candy!!”

“Can you help me with my dragon costume.”

“OK  Sweetie. What about you Noah… do you need help?”

“Can you paint my face to look just like Frankenstein’s.
And thanks Mom for finding those cool boots!”

Did you know a woman wrote the story about Frankenstein? Her name’s Mary Shelly.

Impressive Layla.

We talked about it in class. And Dracula was …

BRAD: enters the kitchen
“Good Morning Family!
I woke up ravenous! The smell of eggs and bacon cooking…mmmmm.  .. Jen, remember my conference is today!’

“Again Brad? I think you’ve missed out on Trick-or-Treating since Layla started first grade! It’s weird that your conferences are always on Halloween. “

“Strange indeed. I miss all the fun!  Now what are you going to be for Halloween? (to the kids)

LAYLA: gets up
“Dad! I am going as a dragon with cool wings and a big tail …  .

NOAH gets up and joins her and walks like the monster
“Yea, and I am going to be Frankenstein!  MMMMMM!”

(he laughs as they jump on him)
“I am so sorry I will miss this!”
“But I will be back tomorrow! “
“Hon, take photos of them in their costumes tonight!”

(Gathers the children and laughs)
“I will, now come on you lil monsters, and let’s get ready for school!”


“We’ll have our own Halloween Party tomorrow!
 I promise! Love Ya! I mean GRRRR YA!”

Scene 4

Go tell it in the mountain
Sounds of the forest, Big trees, birds
Storm and Electra arrive at the Oak grove

This is my favorite spot. These oak trees. Aren’t they awesome? I can feel their power.

Wow, look where you’re stepping!  There’s acorns everywhere!

That’s what I call a good harvest! I’ll have to tell Ma.

What are you doing?

stoops down to pick up an acorn
It’s good luck to put an acorn in your pocket.

stoops down to pick up an acorn
Yea? Well, I’ll grab one too.
Luck has its own magic.

Footsteps heard

Ahh! There you are. Who did you bring with you? I thought I told you…

Listen, you're gonna need double witch power for this task. Who knows what is in these caves! And….. I trust her.

But ….

You need both of us. Witches aren’t all the same, you know. We have different powers. I have X power and she has ….

Still to be determined… but I have been dabbling in Y.

Did you tell her all about me?

No, not the whole story. Only…

I just heard you need our help, that’s all.

Ok ok. And you know Mildred is helping me?

Mildred? What!

Yes, Mildred gave him two magical items to find something he lost. Show her Duncan.

It’s in me rucksack. Here.

He goes in his rucksack

This one is to find the thing I lost.
And this one, let’s me talk to those wee devils who took it.

He calls them Goblins. I didn’t know they existed!

Goblins wow!… in our little town.

DUNCAN indignantly
I know a Goblin when I see it.

I believe you, Duncan.
Now I’ve seen this lost finder before. Remember when I lost my wand in that big storm last summer, Electra?…. but this one… hmmm

She starts poking at it

Don’t break it!

Oh, let me see.
(pause as she is looking at it)
It’s easy… just turn on here, (switch sound)
turn this knob to there (turning sound)
and hike up the antenna.
We hear sounds like a radio static

All’s well Lassies. It works.
Now let's go into the cave. Time’s a wastin. I’ll show you the way.

As they enter the cave

I know this cave, we use this for our winter solstice ceremony,

This cave is where I met Vince the night I arrived.
Thank Dia,  there are no bats in here now.
Bats give me willies!

We’ll need light to find his…

…Amulet. You might as well know, Storm.

Storm, let’s get out our wands and make some torches.

Listen wands, light our way
So bright it feels like day,
Let your Flames flicker high and wave
So we can see in this dark cave.
Magical word

Now let’s get those wee Devils!

Let’s be careful. The coven has sensed a dark presence in this mountain.

goes into rucksack
You’ll be safe with me.
Let me see if this thing really works.

it starts beeping

It’s working.

Follow me, I’ll show you where I was the last time I had my amulet.

Watch your step - the tunnel keeps getting narrow

Jeez Duncan, we’ve been walking for a while now.
You got yourself pretty deep into this mountain!

Aye and gettin’ myself out of these tunnels wasn’t a fun time neither!
Those lobbyheads had me head spinnin’.
In fact, I’d like to give those goblins a piece of me mind!

I don’t see any more openings they could have run into.  It’s all solid rock here.

Yells a scottish sayingyells

If this is the last place you saw them, let’s use the translator and talk to them.
Nicely Duncan.


Takes out the translator and turns it on.
Tell them who you are and why we’re here.

I am Duncan of the clan of  Sgorr Dhearg and I come to you …

In peace and friendship…


Do you want your amulet or not?

sighs begrudgingly and announces to Goblins
In peace and friendship.
I lost something very precious to me and my ancestors. I have come to this mountain on a mission from the Council. I need to take from the Springs of Urd to heal Yggdrasil. 
I…  I humbly ask for your help.

Do you think they’re listening?

Dinnae Ken, Lass.

Stone scraping sounds coming behind them
 - a  rock door slides down and closes them in.

Hey!  The tunnel just closed behind us!

What the - ?

DUNCAN angry
I said I came in peace!

I could do a summoning spell….

Sound of a rock door sliding up. Echoing in the space.

Guys look! A doorway just appeared in the rock wall down there!

I’m starting to feel like a mouse  in a maze…