Save Erce

Season of the Witch - episode 2

Brio Integrated Theatre Productions Season 1 Episode 2

Please listen to our Prologue & episode1 before you listen to episode two. 

The story continues in the early morning October 30th. You’ll meet the unusual residents of this quiet town of Wincharm. The paranormal radio show host Jeremy and co-host Gabriel have been doing a Spookathon for Halloween. Just like all teens, it’s school time for witches Storm and Electra with their teacher Mildred. Vince the vampire is up this morning as well as Duncan, our young dragon changeling. He is exploring the cave in Blackhill Mountain to find the elixir pool to save the sacred tree, Yggdrasil.

Thank you for listening to Save Erce
Brio Integrated Theatre Production

Directed by Margo Attaya
Written by the Brio team

In order of appearance, this episode stars:
Nicolas Stavre as Jeremy Hamilton
Jason Dorce as Peter McDonald 
Alexandra Sturm as Gabriel Hart
Erin MacArthur as Electra
Erin Boyle as Storm
Jake Crafts as Monty the Crow
Linda Doucette as Mildred
Margo Attaya as Nero the Cat
John Zeisel as Vince
Brian Hunt as Duncan 
Patrick Levassuer, Whitman Mamayek and Jake Crafts as the goblins

Sound design by Margo Attaya and Alexandra Sturm

Music: Theme is True Strength by Caleb Etheridge
music from storyblocks and soundstripe.

Special shout out to NuPath and Wincam
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Winchester Cultural Council,
a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
Save Erce is produced by Brio Integrated Theatre, it is an all abilities production 
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